Thursday, September 2, 2010

Holding On

what am i holding onto? SUMMER of course. i mourn this time of year. truly madly deeply. who sings that song? anyway. i now enter my deep state of depression which earned me nights on the Nadelhoffer's couch with 'the three best friends that anyone could have!', as well as cheez its by the box, ghirardelli double chocolate brownies, and red wine times at least 2 glasses. this routine also earned me an extra 10 big ones. yep, pounds that is. (please refer to earlier blog, The Three Wives Club - of the Mainline)

this past spring was scary. very scary. i took out my beloved jean capris with holes in the knees, yes. but they did not fit. no, they weren't just a little snug, suck it in to button. nope. my LEG would not even think about entering the leg hole. before breaking down in tears, i quickly removed them and began furiously working out and eating close to no carbs. except rice on sushi of course. but avoided BREAD at all costs. lived on salads and fish. and FRUIT. a long 2 months later with grueling hours at the gym and on the pavement running, i am back to my normal size. but the idea is to avoid the Big 10 while entering my state of depression until approximately April 2011.
with that said... i'm pleased to present you with some of my most memoriable moments of the Summer of 2010. seriously one of the best summers. ever. in my life. no exageration. already looking forward to Summer 2011 which will bring many more Avalon weekends and a vacation in MAINE!

enjoy my life. because i did!
(in no particular order.)